
Letter (WCP2862.2752)


The Camp,


Nov[ember] 21 1906

My dear Wallace

I have just received a brief note from Lady Markham, informing me that Sir Clements2 is at present out of England & is not expected to return before the first "days of December." As his present abode is not given, I gather that he is not to be disturbed. She adds, however "I am sure Sir Clements would gladly have joined you in trying to get a grant of money for this Life of Spruce"

I have also received your letter with its enclosure. I entirely forgot [2] the existence of a "Government Publication grant" — though I must have heard of it. It dates I see only from 1899. It is of course to its administration that your application should be addressed & will be referred. But what will you do about Sir Clements Markham?

Whether you wait for his return or not, I am quite ready to offer you a statement of my views of the great importance of Spruce’s3 letters & to accompany your letter, & to do my little [?] with men on the council.

Meanwhile I return your letter. I would be sorry to lose Sir Clements’ support, & now[?] suggest waiting his return.

Ever sincerely yours | J. D. Hooker [signature]4

Written diagonally in upper left corner "Answ[ere]d. wait for Sir C. M."
Markham, Sir Clements Robert (1830-1916). English geographer and explorer and President of the Royal Geographical Society (1893-1905).
Spruce, Richard (1817-1893). English botanist and explorer.
British Museum stamp underneath.

Please cite as “WCP2862,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2862