
Letter (WCP2904.2794)




June 2 1908

Mr dear Wallace

Mr F. Darwin3 informs me that your letter & enclosure received by his Father June 18 1858 was nowhere to be found when he published the "Life & Letters" in 1887,4 & that it has not since turned up.5 Can he have returned it to you? if so would you kindly send him or me a copy.? Also copies of my letter to you on or about July 13th. 1858 sent in enclosed in one from Darwin (see "Life & Letters ii 128)6& Darwin's covering letter, are very much desired by us — we are collecting scattered documents relating to the subject of your & Darwins [sic] views[?] appearing[?] in Linn[ean]. Soc[iety]. Proceedings[.]7

V[er]y sin[cerel]y Y[ou]r | Jos. D Hooker8,9 [signature]

Annotated in ARW's hand in ink in the top left corner "Answd."
Annotated in pencil in an unknown hand or hands in the top right corner "3" and "255".
Darwin, Francis ("Frank") (1848 — 1925). British botanist; son of Charles Robert Darwin.
Darwin, Francis (Ed.) (1887). The Life & Letters of Charles Darwin. 3 vols. John Murray. London.
Presumably the covering letter for ARW's famous "Ternate essay" which was posted from Ternate in March or April 1858. This letter is presumed lost. See WCP4823.
This letter from J D Hooker to ARW is presumed lost. It is mentioned in the letter from Charles Darwin to J. D. Hooker dated 13 July 1858, first published in Darwin, Francis (Ed.) (1887) The Life & Letters of Charles Darwin. John Murray. London. Vol. 2, p. 128. This begins: "My dear Hooker, — your letter to Wallace seems to me perfect, quite clear and most courteous...and I have today forwarded it with a letter of my own."
Hooker, Joseph Dalton (1817 — 1911) British botanist and explorer. Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 1865 -1885, in succession to his father, William Jackson Hooker.
There is a British Museum stamp in red ink to the right of the signature.

Please cite as “WCP2904,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2904