
Letter (WCP2945.2835)


'Brooklands' Milton Otago

N[ew]. Z[ealand].


A. R. Wallace Esq F.R.S. &c. &c.

Dear Sir,

I have to acknowledge with thanks receipt of your kind & interesting letter of 17/4/[19]09 forwarded to our new address as above. It is very gratifying to learn that you have been to the extents you mention successful in growing the Celmisia seed. I will tell hip Reid, the Florist, who packed them for me when I am in Dunedin which is only 36 miles north of this. I will also send your letter for perusal to Mr. Iannock[?], Corporation Gardener, & ask him to forward you the fresh seeds of the Ranunculus Lyalli I enclose a report of a lecture recently given in D[une]din by Mr. Iannock[?]; also a cablegram re Lieut[enant] Shackleton in [2]2 which you will see he speaks of the extraordinary fascination of the Antarctic notwithstanding its forbidding climate. I notice by the cables that the Australian & N.Z. Press representatives are being well treated in the Old Country, a testimony to the power of the press in the present day. Mr. Fenwick, editor of the Otago Daily Times published in Dunedin, & one of the representatives, is a man of very high standing & ability; & the paper conducted by him reflects this character of its editor in every respect. A recent para[graph]: contained particulars of a meteoric stone which was seen to fall at hukuia[?] in the North Island in 3 pieces. One piece weighed 4 diagram lb; & struck the exposed root of a tree, the force of its impact making a hole 15 in[ches] deep in the ground: it is described as a greyish-black stone which has evidently been in a very heated condition. I have recently added to [3] my library: — "Worlds in the Making the Evolution of the Universe" by Svante Arrhenius Director of the Physico-Chemical Nobel Institue Stockholm translated by Dr. H. Borns: the 'Spectator' has noticed it very highly. The books stands in my shelves adjacent to your 'Man's Place in the Universe' & 'Is Mars habitable?' I will let you know what Mr. Iannock[?] says about the Ranunculus, we could not apply to a better man.

With kind regards & renewed thanks for your letter | Believe me | yours very sincerely | W. E. McAdams3[signature]

47 is written in the upper right hand corner.
49 is written in the lower right hand corner.
Below the signature is a stamp depicting a crown encircled by the words British Museum.

Please cite as “WCP2945,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2945