
Letter (WCP2989.2879)





14 July 1910

Dear Dr Wallace,

I have much pleasure in enclosing the prints of Malay Forest vegetation about which I wrote last week.

The following are brief descriptions of each (corresponding numbers are written on the back of photographs):-

(1). River Seleh (a tributary of the Kelantan River - State of Kelantan) - with forest. Pandanus in foreground. This is well in interior of the Malay Peninsula.

(2). Forest in Kelantan State - near Kuala Anang. On the tree [2] are epiphytic Bird's nest Fern (Asplenium nidus-avis), and the climbing Asplenium scandens Nephrodium acrostichoida Ridley n. 43.

(3). Same locality - showing the Kuala junction between the river Seleh and Aning[?].

(4). Mangrove swamp (the mangrove in foreground are chiefly Rhizophora mucronata) - on the Redang islands these are in the south part of the China Sea - old [1 word illeg.] (Malay Peninsular). On left of photograph are coconut palms and a forest covered hill.

(5). State of Perak (West crest of Malay Peninsula) - forest in interior, showing undergrowth of palms etc - lianas - climbing ferns (Asplenium) etc. [3]

(6). Perak Forest - near village Selama. In centre of photograph may be seen the slender stems of lianas, hanging from the tree tops.

As you will see all the photographs are from the Malay Peninsular of not exactly what you require. But if any of them are of an use I shall be most pleased for you to publish them.

In any case, please do not believe to return the prints,

Believe me, | Yours very truly | R. H. Yapp1[signature]

British Museum stamp.

Please cite as “WCP2989,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2989