Letter (WCP3.3)


Parkstone, Dorset

Oct. 26th. 1890

My dear Willie

I write you a few times just to report progress in the building. This week the roof-framing has been put up, boarded at the top for the lead flat, and the roof of the balcony is also framed. The main water tank is also built and the old gate stopped up & new wall finished. During next week I expect the tiles will be put on the whole of the back of the building & they will begin the foundation, [2] of the drawing room.

They rather stupidly began taking the tiles off the back roof over the passage where the new roof will join on to it, & now the rain is coming through & we have to keep a basin in the passage to catch the water.

The engine has come for Jennings’. A little old-fashioned looking thing. It cause as a brick & it took more than a dozen men [3] all day to put it off the truck on to the rails. Then it was filled with water & the fire lighted. It smoked horribly, and at last when it started & passed through Jennings’ gate they fired a gun, — & yesterday it was dragging up trucks of pipes.

There is no more news here. I think I told you that Mr Barnes little blind grandson was dead.

I went to see Mr. Sharpe1 [4] on Thursday and spent and hour with him. He looked a trifle better, — but is so dreadfully weak that it seems very uncertain whether he will get over it. Your letter about the visit to Mr. Liruton’s was sufficiently detailed. Write us a similar minute account of a day at the College.

I have nearly used all the stones and want some more!

Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Sharpe, J.W. (-). Old friend and neighbour of ARW in Godalming and an assistant master at Charterhouse School.

Please cite as “WCP3,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3