
Letter (WCP3009.2899)



October 20th 1869


I read carefully the papers you were so kind as to send me and I return Mr Wallace's "respected articles". I begin to fear Mr Wallace [2] is right, and that nothing short of some striking manifestation coming in my way, will succeed in awaking my interest in favour of spiritism. What can I care about spirits as long as they confine their [3] [p. 61] agency to rapping, table-moving, harmonium-playing, or inviting[?] such stuff as has been given to the world? When they tell us something worth knowing, or speak words of wisdom and of beauty, then only will it be worth our while to sift[?] the phenomenon. Allow me, [4] Madam, gratefully to acknowledge the trouble you have taken to enlighten me and most sincerely to subscribe me

Your obliged servant | Ed. Scherer2 [signature]

Page 1 is numbered page 60 in the upper right-hand corner of the page by the repository.
Scherer, Edmond Henri Adolphe (1815-1889). French theologian, critic and politician.

Please cite as “WCP3009,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3009