
Letter (WCP3031.2999)


T. Fisher Unwin1,

1, Adelphi Terrace,



14th. Jan[uary].1913

Alfred R. Wallace Esq.

Old Orchard. Broadstone. Dorset.

My dear Sir

Let me have the pleasure of acknowledging your letter of the 13th. inst[ance]. and I am glad to know the agreements are all in order and that we may look forward to receiving the work from you soon.

I am certainly awaiting with interest your book and shall be glad to publish it, and I may add, as soon as possible for I think the time is now ripe for these questions.

Writing to you reminds me that I once had the pleasure of meeting you, but it must be twenty-five or more years ago; it was in the rooms of Professor Meldola2 somewhere in Bloomsbury.

May I add my congratulations to the chorus; it may be a little late, but the news in the public press and your picture makes me feel I should like to write a word of congratulation on the great day3 and on such a long and useful life.

Faithfully yours | T Fisher Unwin. [signature]

Unwin, Thomas Fisher (1848 — 1935). English publisher who founded the publishing house T. Fisher Unwin in 1882.
Meldola, Professor Raphael (1849 — 1915). A British chemist and entomologist. Fellow of the Royal Society and Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of London, 1912-5.
A reference to ARW's ninetieth birthday on 8 January 1913.

Please cite as “WCP3031,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3031