
Letter (WCP3069.3037)


Lega Internazionale contro la Vaccinazione

Il Presidente

Telef. 2,49


4th January 1912.

Dear Sir Alfred,

Allow me that I send you my best wishes for the new year, hoping that your health will be good for a long series of years, so that your precious life can continue for a long time more to benefit and enlighten the world.

At the Frankfurt Congress against vaccination I was very proud that my name was associated to yours on the foundation of the International Leag[u]e against vaccination. Your wonderful writings have produced an immense benefit for the progress of our causes, & I think that no contrast could be more striking than the one of your book where vaccination is demonstrated so great an extravagant error as to form a real wonder of the past century.

[2] I will do all my possible[sic] for imitating[sic] you in order to see stamped out this ghastly mistake from my country, & will try to excite a larger sentiment against it in all the countries.

Here I have sent to all the Italian medical men (25,000) an Appeal of which I send you a copy. I will have it translated into English, German, French & Spanish, and will try to have it largely published in all these countries.

The Post Card that I enclose as a Post Card of the International League, was largely distributed all through Italy (50,000 copies) & hope that it will contribute to raise up the sentiment against vaccination.

Now please make me a favour.

I wish to publish on[sic] my magazine "Vita & Malattie"2 your biography with your portrait. It is necessary that every one [3]3 knowing that the Honorary President of the International League is one of the greatest men in the world. And I beg of you to send me all the details of your life in order that the biography be complete.

Thank you for the favour.

Sir Alfred Russel Wallace, O.M,


Yours most devotedly | Charles Ruata. [signature]

Page numbered 348 in pencil in top RH corner. The printed letter heading of the President of the Lega Internazionale contro la Vaccinazione, includes the emblem of the League on LHS.
Life and Diseases.
Page numbered 349 in pencil in top RH corner.
This address must be incorrect as ARW was living at Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset in 1912.

Please cite as “WCP3069,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3069