
Letter (WCP307.307)


Parkstone, Dorset.

March 17th. 1898

My dear Violet

As you had almost decided to leave under any circumstances the terrible blow, like other apparently terrible blow, may be all for the best.

If you think, as no doubt you do, that learning German with a year’s change of scene would do you a great deal of good, I will give you £.50 towards a year in Germany. much less would be no real good, but of course you must go, primarily and above everything else to learn german, and for [2] this purpose it is absolutely necessary to board in a purely German family, if possible where there are plenty of children. Then you will literally take in German with your food & drink and amusements, & learn more than in twice the time in any other way. You must also go to some town where there are very few resident English, so that your friends & acquaintances may also be German. I should think you would be almost sure to get some employment [3] in giving lessons in English to children (or grown-ups). You had better make enquiries among all your German friends — if you prefer this to staying at Liverpool.

There is a very nice German girl who teaches at Sandecotes, who may give you information, and of course you can have a month’s holiday here before starting, so there will be plenty of time to make arrangements.

Will’s1 last letter was from Denver. His job was finished [4] and he was out of work. Nothing else in it [in] particular.

My own idea is that, unless you stay on indefinitely at Liverpool you had better escape now. But of course you will weigh all chances & probabilities & decide.

I am busy with my proof & poetical headings which I have for nearly all, & which I think are mostly very nice.

In haste | Your affect[iona]te Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Wallace, William Greenell (1871-1951). Son of ARW.

Please cite as “WCP307,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP307