
Letter (WCP3147.3115)



(London, W. C.)

4th December [18]93

My dear Sir —

I trust you will not feel put out if, as an individual woman and by a private letter, I venture to offer your homage and thanks for your published utterance respecting women, which I have read[?] in the Daily Chronicle of today. At this time of day, it is true our prospects are no longer what they were and you as their [2] champion resemble happiness as characterized by Goethe: — Schon legleitet Gleich einem Fussten [4 words illeg.]2

Nevertheless I believe it is not often that the messages of hope and faith in the future as modified by the result of woman free, woman equal and woman fraturnal through education and citizenship is proclaimed to the ignorant and needless majority by a great veteran and prophet of science like [3] yourself, and it is my glorious and inspiring to read of such hope and faith [1 word illeg.] by the might of years, nor checked by any other influences tending to make men if not conservative, at least as a French man said of the English retardatif.

I do not presume further by commenting in detail on your words. They all stuck responsive chords, for you were reciting my own creed concerning men and women. I have been waiting for [4] the Daily Chronicle to range starting on the right side on this question, and if the views for which it has in this instance sought your support and your utterance are not in your case, as in its own case, new convictions expressed for the first time, you will, I trust, overlook my ignorance and accept as the rest of the cordial gratitude and affectionate respect of.

Your obedient servant | Caroline A. Foley [signature]3

(M. A. London)

A Russel Wallace Esq. F. R. S. &c. &c.

Written in the top left of the page in an unidentified hand is "Answ[ere]d".
This last sentence is written in German. "Already leading like one [4 words illeg.]"
British Museum stamp.

Please cite as “WCP3147,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 18 September 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3147