
Letter (WCP3231.3199)


Leckhampton House, Cambridge

Oct. 26. 1905.

My dear Mr. Wallace,

It is difficult to tell you how intensely we shall value this most profoundly interesting gift1 from you. We have already plunged deeply into it, and cannot put the book down.

Only 3 years ago I spent 6 months in Colorado & know every inch of that ground you traversed: — and Glen Eyrie2 was my head quarters!

Every line of your book is full[2] of memories to me; in those subjects that my husband3 and I cared for above all others: — and in all the other topics you deal with, & touch on, I feel[?] the deepest & keenest possible interest. How glad I am you have written this book.

My son4 cares very much for his father's work here, & has the same quality of mind. All your books are loved & reverenced & read over & over again in this[3] house, and you are truly a friend to Frederic Myers children through your books, & what their father and I feel for you.

Always yours | most sincerely

Eveleen Myers [signature]

Probably Wallace, A. R. (1905) 'My Life; a record of events and opinions' London, UK: Chapman & Hall Ltd..
A large house in Colorado Springs, United States, built in 1871 by General William Jackson Palmer.
Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843-1901). British poet, classicist, philologist, and founder of the Society of Psychical Research.
The Myers had two sons: the novelist Leopold Hamilton (1881-1944) and Harold Hawthorn (1886-1952).

Please cite as “WCP3231,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3231