
Letter (WCP3250.3218)


Pinewood Grange


Feby 19. 1907.

My dear Wallace,

I am sending you my book, it is one of a series — The Earlier Adventures1 — The Adventures2 — and if I can write it — The Later Adventures: the second was published first.

The present Rajah3 is a curious specimen: he thinks his uncle4 a very overrated man, and that he [2] himself has been sadly overlooked; the latter is perhaps true , but his manners are so reserved, and his claims so great, that he never could be popular. It is a pity, as he has plenty of talent. He has wonderful health and strength and rides to Labuan [?] twice or thrice a week. My wife5 and I generally visit him during his stays in England this time however we have not heard from him; I expect his house is full of old Sarawak familiars. [3] Crookshank6 is dead, and I heard that his widow7 died last year of course all the old set has disappeared.

We have settled down at this place which is wonderfully healthy, until a few weeks ago I kept up my strength wonderfully well, but now I am undergoing a long rest cure, which I hope may restore me to fairly good health.

We will not forget Mrs Wallace[']s8 "home" should a chance arise.

Every sincerely yours, | Spenser St. John [signature]

Dr. Alfred R. Wallace. L L. Dr.

[St. John, S.] 1906. The earlier adventures of a naval officer. London : Digby, Long & Co.
[St. John, S. (as Hunter, C.)].1905. The adventures of a naval officer. London: Digby.
Brooke, Charles Anthoni Johnson ("Charley") (1829-1917). The Second White Rajah of Sarawak and nephew of James Brooke.
Brooke, James (1803-1868). British-born Rajah of Sarawak.
Mary Armstrong (m.1899)
Crookshank, Arthur Chichester (1824-1891). A cousin of James Brooke and administrator at Sarawak.
Elizabeth Bertha Jane Lechmere (1837-1912).
Wallace (née Mitten), Annie (1846-1914). Wife of ARW; daughter of William Mitten, chemist and authority on bryophytes.

Please cite as “WCP3250,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3250