
Letter (WCP327.327)


Parkstone, Dorset.

June 17th. 1901

My dear Violet

If you have no engagement for next Saturday will you [go] to see another house between Mayfield & Wadhurst, which I have seen twice, & which is really first-rate. The Dodd’s of T[unbridge]. Wells are making a party to see it — a kind of picnic. Two of them were with me yesterday week & were delighted. Mr & Mrs. Shaw are going, & I want you to meet Mrs. Shaw. I think you will get on with her. She takes her cycle & will cycle over from T[unbridge]. Wells to the place — 7 miles — with some of the Dodd’s & their friends. Mr. [2] Shaw will drive with some non-cyclers. You will prefer to cycle I presume, & if you will go I will send you cash for your ticket for self & cycle. Let me know at once as I had better let the Dodd’s & Mr. Shaw know you are coming to represent me. Mr. & Mrs. Shaw are going from Victoria by 11.15 train.2 I saw Mr. Shaw last Tuesday on my way back through London, & we have arranged, if the money can be raised & the Estate bought, that I & he will take the house between us as our joint share, of £.1000 each, with garden &c. [3] He will have one of the sitting rooms & 2..3 bedrooms, furnishing them himself, — and as he has his house & business in London, this is all he will want for some years, as he & his wife will only come down for a holiday when they want a change or for week/ends. Then, if I can, in 4 or 5 years, as I hope I may if I live, pay him back the £.1000 he advances, the house will be our own absolutely, with the use of the reserved park, view, stream ponds &c. If on the other hand I should die before paying it off, then he will pay the £. 1000 back to my executors. That is if you did not agree to hold it jointly.3 So there would be no loss either way. The [4] house is lovely, & it would be a pleasure to live in it. And the gardens & Estate would be a constant occupation& joy to me. It is only 1 1/2 miles from Mayfield Church, but a steep up & down road in a N.E. direction. I fear it is too much to hope to get it; but much will depend on this visit. Mr. Shaw will, I am sure, be delighted with it, but there whether enough people can be found to subscribe the money remains to be seen.

If we go there to live, I will try & get the place of Estate bailiff for Kate’s husband, she being our Cook, and with a small girl to help or a woman to clean once a week we should do fine. Also I shall try & persuade Ma to have "paying guests" —

gent. & lady or 2 ladies — there being ample room. So go if possible, & let me know at once.

Your affect[ionate] Pa | A.R.W. [signature]

This sentence is written vertically in the left hand margin of page 1: "I send [a] small Stag beetle found yesterday".
This sentence is written vertically in the left hand margin of page 2.
This sentence is written vertically in the left hand margin of page 3.

Please cite as “WCP327,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP327