
Letter (WCP328.328)


Parkstone, Dorset.

Octr. 25th. 1901

My dear Violet

At last the deed is done! "I’ve met the Douglas in his hall, — the Lion in his den!" and have come out safely! His roar was terrible! but he ended as mildly cooing as any sucking dove!

That is a poetical account of my interview yesterday with the great Paterson, Lord Wimborne[’s] mighty agent, to settle all details as to the land at Broadstone, which is now as good as purchased; and as soon as I have marked out the [2] exact boundaries of the piece of ground I want & formally accepted the terms we have agreed on, I can have possession & begin doing what I like. I got this favourable inclusion by offering to pay down the whole purchase money as soon as the legal conveyance is ready to be signed, — and we parted quite like old friends[.] The price is high, — but there is no spot to equal it for miles around, and compared with the price of land here, or at Hurst, or at Godalming, even Ma acknowledges now that it is not dear. [3] Besides about an acre of grass & a little heather, there are two beautiful bits of wood one with large Spanish chestnuts in it, the other with oaks & other trees and a very fine old fir tree, & between the two an old school in a little valley with beautiful grass under the trees and a view right over Poole Harbour to the Purbeck hills on the right and to the Old Harry rocks on the left — South & south-east.

It is only ½ mile from Braodstone station: — the views cannot possibly be shut out or even interfered with, & as it is at present in a large field above the woods and there is no road to it, it will probably [4] be some years before that is built over, especially as without cutting the woods down there is no view!

If you & "Dolly" like to come at half-term do so, and we will go to Fordingbridge & make enquiries. The country there is lovely, and the surroundings altogether more attractive than Broadstone, there being both river & forest. But consider the possibility, even probability of its being wet all the time! & will it be worth while? At Christmas there is sure to be some fine weather, & for you that will be plenty of time. Miss B. could have an acre joining me for £.200, & I think a view could be had by clearing away some wood, but I will see next time I go. At Fordingbridge she would probably get 2-3 acres for same money.

In haste | Your affectionate & "chortling" Pa | A. R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP328,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP328