
Letter (WCP3308.3276)


69 Farrington Square

London. W.C.

April. 18. 1911.

Dr Alfred Russell Wallace

Broadstone, Dorset

Dear Dr. Wallace:

Mr Stead1has kindly advised me to write to you to ask if it might be convenient for me to visit you some day at the last of this month.

I am an American student at Oxford studying Anthropology and I would appreciate so very much to know you and hear your opinions on some features of a subject I am investigating. This subject [2] is the race problem of the Southern states of America.

Hoping that I may have an early opportunity of meeting you,

I am | most sincerely | G.C.Huckaby [signature]

[3]2 3

Stead, William Thomas (1849-1912). English newspaper editor.
G. C. Huckaby written by hand.
British Museum stamp underneath.

Please cite as “WCP3308,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3308