
Postcard (WCP3336.3304)


Esteemed Friend, No wonder you can perciev sic] no improovment[sic] in human nature when the alliees[sic], so far from taking your noble advice to form a Balkan republic, ar[sic] now fihting[sic] each other about the division of their spoils, like greedy bois[sic]. What a siht[sic] for angels and devils! Hav[sic] you any more copis[sic] to spare of your peny[sic] pamflet[sic] on coöperativ[sic] colonis[sic]? If not, do you no[sic] where i[sic] coud[sic] procure som[sic]? But human nature spoils everithing[sic]. What with white slavery, vivisection, and the devilris[sic] practist[sic] on litl[sic] scool[sic] girls by brutal masters it is enuf[sic] to make the [2] most optimistic despair. The stupidity of sin is worse than its wickedness.1


Evacustes A. Phipson

Windmill Cottage

Hog Hill


near Rye2


Prof[essor] A. R. Wallace


near Wimborne


This last part of the sentence is written at the bottom of the page.
The sender's address is written on the left of the page.
The recipient's address is written on the right of the page.

Please cite as “WCP3336,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 21 September 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3336