
Letter (WCP3345.3313)


D[octo]r Sir,

Why I send you these few verses. They were composed by me. Thinking what our mission would be hereafter. These thoughts came to me.

In your article you speak of the unseen spirits [1 word illeg.] & [2 words illeg.] & at times I feel them very near & its joy. So it lifted me up because you speak of the same theme "believing

"though rendered far — by faith we meet! —

Good bye & God is with you"

[2] Ministering Angels

Shall I be a ministering angel?

When called from this world of strife;

To minister to the loved ones

Left fighting the battle of life

Shall I appointed the angels?

To whisper in the ears of the loved

To lead them in ways appointed

By the Great Redeemer called "Love".

What a great thought for Father or Mother

Or sister or brother so dear!

To be winging its way back to earth

And fill them with high thoughts so dear

For we shall be given the visions

of the untold, that lies far beyond

The wonderous [sic] rapture & beautys [sic]

Beheld by those who’[1 letter illeg.] passed on

But to get this by loves [sic] great endeavour

We must work for what we receive

So Father & Mother must be ready

To carry the message of needs

Our lives here must be pure & unselfish

And the best we have gathered here

Will be fourfold to us, who shall bring it

To those who remain on this earth

[3] Our garments must be bright & shining

To carry the messages true;

Between heaven and earth will be binding

Like Jacob's ladder — he [1 word illeg.]

And though not seen by our loved ones

Our spirits will fondly caress

And holding unseen their dear hands

Will lead them to rapture & rest

By Sara Jennings [signature]

Please cite as “WCP3345,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3345