
Letter (WCP3412.3380)


Broadstone, Wimborne

Jan[uar]y 17th. 1908

Mess[e]rs Macmillan & Co[mpany]1

Dear Sirs

I am sending today by Parcel Post, Registered, in two packets, the complete MSS of Spruce’s "Notes of of[sic] a botanist"— ready for the press, so far as I can make it. I do not know whether you intend submitting it to your "Reader", to see if further omissions are needed. I have gone over the whole four or five times, and have brought down the material to less than half of what I began with, aiming at making the book [2] both readable by any intelligent person as well as both interesting and valuable for all botanists and lovers of Nature.

I enclose herewith a list of Headings of Chapters, which I have endeavored to make picturesque, and I think it would might be advisable to print them as a flyleaf (when the book is ready) & enclose in your books such [one word illegible], as it would serve to show the great variety of the matter in the book.

I have also sent you all the Illustrations (Species Drawings) [3] which seem to me worth reproducing. The Landscapes are very crude, but yet accurate and you must decide whether they had best be copies (reduced) as they are, or whether they could be improved by being first touched up by a competent artist. The Portraits of natives are all very characteristic and good likenesses, though in some cases out of drawing.

There are also 10 old Photos of scenes in Ecuador— too much faded to be of any use (I suppose.) but serving to show the kind of scenery required.

Besides these there are a very [4] fine photographs of Amazonian Trees &c published by the Para Museum which, if reduced to page size, will make striking illustrations. I have written to Para to ask permission to use them, and for any others that may be now published. They are all of species mentioned by Spruce


I also enclose a list of the maps that are wanted for the work. The first four are either sketch maps I have drawn myself (2) (2) or printed maps (2) which only want to be slightly modified (as described) and then reproduced on a reduced scale.

[5] The other 3 require to be made, as indicated on a map sent. For these, I will send a list of Spruces’ localities mentioned in the book , and which should be inserted on the maps.

These are indispensable, and I am sure will add greatly to the value of the book— which will be one of permanent interest.

These maps are packed all together in an old book cover.

Also in a separate book, Spruce’s MSS Maps, referred to in the list. [6] To the List of Chapters I have appended a careful estimate of the number of words in each, from which you can see the amount of matter— which I think will form two handsome volumes.

I am waiting for a little additional information, with the short "Biographical Introduction"— (of perhaps 10 or 12 pages) which with a short Preface, Table of Contents, and Index (full)— will [7] complete the work.

Just as I was preparing to write this your parcel of Photographs arrived. None however are suitable, all but 3 or 4 being 1000 miles or more away from species’ country, while the others show either the modern streets, of towns or the snowy or barren mountain- summit- both alike very commonplace as well as misleading. The photos in the German book of which I sent you a list are, however, [8] both suitable and very effective.

May I suggest that in deciding on the size and form of the book, you keep in view the possibility of a cheap one vol[ume] edition,— which I am inclined to think would have a permanent sale as a prize & gift book among "classical" travels.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Macmillan & Co. Ltd., publishing company, 1843-present.

Please cite as “WCP3412,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3412