
Letter (WCP3417.3385)


Broadstone, Wimborne

March 25th, 1908

Mess.[e]rs Macmillan & Co.1

Dear Sirs

I now send you 7 large drawings by Spruce2, which have only just been found by Mr. Slater3, his Executor, among a lot of old Maps!

One, the "Mountains of Tarapoto" was finished by Spruce himself. The rest were only partially shaded or (most of them) an 'outline' only but evidently drawn with extreme care and delicacy, especially the foreground trees and buildings.

I have fortunately found a [2] professional artist here, who has finished all these, keeping the local character as much as possible from the finished one, & from my instructions.

He has done them exceedingly well, and they will form effective whole-page illustrations which will add greatly to the interest of the book, as they are all of views quite unknown to the modern traveller.

Please have th[MS blotted] plates from them prepared of the largest size the page will allow [3] of. I have drawn marginal lines showing what portions can be left out, so as to have them as little reduced as possible.

Spruce's own descriptions in pencil may be printed below each, omitting only the words I have crossed out.

The two on the Rio "Negro" — "São Gabriel" and "Mt. Duida" — will be wanted first to be fitted in their place in the Proofs.


I received the proofs & outlines [4] of these, but have been so very busy that I have hardly been able to look at them. I cannot insert the names wanted till I get the first proofs & MSS. from the printer, when I will at once return them — Some I may be able to send before, but not for a few weeks.

I see the large Map of the "Llanganates Mts." from the R.G.S paper by Spruce — is to be reproduced full size, so I suppose the original stones or plates have been found.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Publishing company
Richard Spruce (1817-1893), botanist
Mr. Thomas Slater, optician and spirit photography

Please cite as “WCP3417,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3417