
Letter (WCP3418.3386)


Broadstone, Wimborne.

March 26th. 1908

Mess.[e]rs Macmillan & Co. 1

Dear Sirs2

Please advise on a technical point of type.4

I proposed to print all the specially botanical portions — whether in Letter or journals — in smaller type, so that they might be skipped by the general reader.

The first of these (Letters to John Smith) occurs on Slip 105, & the printers asked whether it sh.[ould] not be in ordinary type — to which I agreed, as it seemed not exclusively botanical & short.

But it seems to me that [2] there is not a sufficient difference between the two types to catch the eye, & to show the purpose.

I think either a smaller type or closer lines sh.[ould] be used — the latter would do.

Failing this attraction it would I think be necessary to put — "From here to p.[age] — is chiefly Botanical" — at the beginning of each such passage, which I would rather avoid. Please [3]4 look at the matter, & instruct the printer to do what you think best —

I think closer lines will answer the purpose best, & also save bulk.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

To the right of this line and under the date, is the number "95" written in pencil in a different hand.
To the right of this text is a purple oval stamp that reads, "G.B.M." Additionally, the number "747" is written in orange in a different hand to the right of the stamp.

Please cite as “WCP3418,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3418