
Letter (WCP3485.2972)


Old Orchard, Broadstone,


13th May 1911.


Dr. Alfred R. Wallace,

O.M., D.C.L., F. R. S., &c.

Dear Sir,

I have read many of your works and am now reading your latest work "The World of Life", especially the chapter on the geological record with increased interest and delight. But I write this not for to tell you that, but to ask you re a passage in your book entitled "My L Life", It is on pp.317 & 319 of Vol. 1, whe where in writing to Mr Romanes & referring to Astrology you say that you have never professed your belief in it. And in reply [2] Romanes says at p. 319: —"Astrology I alluded to, because you once told me that you were investigating it. You refused to hear argument against it, & left me with the impression that you believed in it". I write this as a student to inquire whether you do believe in it & whether you would care to hear the experiences of others like me, who too have been a scientific inquirer both in Astrology & in Phrenology and Spiritualism, being led to the investigation of the last two subjects by your own works. Would you kindly let me know where your inquiries led you and would it at all interest you to hear mine, considering that [3] I have any number of authentic & genuine horoscope of local celebrities, people wery [sic] well known to the public here.

In any case you will permit me to wish you long life and happiness in this your 88th year,

And believe me, | Yours sincerely, | R. K. Tarachand. [signature]

Written in the top left of the page in an unidentified hand is "Answ]ere]d Mediums Life".

Please cite as “WCP3485,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3485