Letter (WCP35.35)


Parkstone, Dorset

Nov.[embe]r 15th. 1901

My dear Will

Enclosed rough tracing will show how I have remedied the big closet in [the] small room & made a great improvement in [the] house, as it gives a view no other room window has, and a good broad window-cill for Ma’s flowers with a N.E. aspect only getting the morning sun.

We have also greatly improved the Ground Plan by cutting off 6 feet from the bedroom behind [the] drawing-room, closing up the [2] doorway to [the] Hall, and making [the] entrance from [the] Workroom. This will probably be your room.

The 6 ft. off has china cupboard at end, shelves at side — and housemaids sink in corner, making it a small housemaid’s pantry & storeroom which was badly wanted. Also the kitchen, wh[ich]. was too small, is enlarged by a broad bay-window 4 feet deep which will hold the table & leave nice room.

I think after all — "Old Orchard" will be a better name than "Ellersbye" being descriptive & less common. There are "Ellerbyes" at Parkstone & Bournemouth.1

To day, we have been with you Aunt Flora to the Old Orchard, inspected the whole domain & she has taken several views [3] which you will see in due course. We have found today for the first time a fine holly tree or bush in a good position, & several other nice features.

I have engaged a gardener & begin laying out garden on Monday.— I have also designed & ordered two gates, marked about a dozen ugly or crowded trees to be cut for fencing posts, engaged 2 — 3 men to begin road-making on Monday. & then putting up the fence. As to the Builder’s son being clerk-of-the-Works, you misapprehend the position. The Builder, — Mr. Curtis — is Carter’s head manager who has superintended the building for him of 130 houses on his [4] Estate at Hornchurch in Essex. Carter lends me his services to help me in designing & building the house, I paying of course for all the time he gives to it. His son will be paid a regular salary by me, and will have no interest except to please me & Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter’s Sen[io]r. quite understands my ideas & seems to take an interest in them — he will have the plans drawn in their office & a general specification & estimate of quantities made. I shall buy the timber of Norton of Poole, who — Carter says — treats everyone alike, & supplies good timber of all kinds as low as anybody. For other materials he will give me the prise[sic]-lists of the wholesale people they deal with & I shall pay ready money for everything. Parts of the work — as the bricklaying — will be subcontracted for locally, I buying the materials. So I think it will be all right. I expect the working drawings will all be ready by the time you come at Xmas, & we will for exact site for house.

Your affect[iona]te. Pa | A. R. Wallace [signature]

This text is written in the left hand margin of page 2.

Enclosure (WCP35.8413)


Untitled floor plan

[A sketch of a bathroom and landing appears here].

Please cite as “WCP35,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP35