
Letter (WCP3508.3398)


Old Orchard,



Nov[embe]r. 10th. 1908

Messrs. Macmillan & Co.3

Dear Sirs

Thanks for your congratulations.4

In reply to your Enquiry, I have no objection to have O.M. after my name — but if so I should like F.R.S. to follow it, especially as that Society has given me their "Copley Medal" this year.

I have now returned the corrected proofs of Index &c.5

There has been great delay [2] lately in sending me revise [sic] of Biog[raphical]. Introduction6 for 3 weeks or a month, but I suppose printers are extra busy at this season.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]6

An oval enclosing the letters "G.B.M." is stamped in purple ink to the left of the address, with a separate date stamp "11 NOV 1908" faintly visible below it.
"115" written in lead pencil in an unknown hand above and to the right of the address.
"153" written in blue pencil in and unknown hand to the right of "Macmillan & Co".
In 1908 Wallace was awarded the Royal honour of the Order of Merit, the Royal Society's Copley Medal "for outstanding achievement in any branch of science" and the Linnean Society of London's first Darwin-Wallace Medal for "major advances in evolutionary biology".
Presumably to Wallace, Alfred Russel. (Ed.). (1908). Richard Spruce. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes. Vol.1, Macmillan & Co., London. (See e.g. WCP3507)
Circular "British Library" stamp in red ink beneath signature.

Please cite as “WCP3508,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3508