
Letter (WCP3610.3511)


Madeira Villa, Madeira Road.

Ventnor, I. of Wight

Sept[embe]r. 6th, 1877

Messr. White & Sons1

Dear Sirs

The Rev. Mr. Hillyer will leave my house in Rosehill on Tuesday afternoon next, and I have arranged for him to pay a half-week's rent for the accommodation. There is also a sum of s10/- agreed to be paid for the coals left in the house, which I shall be obliged by your receiving with the rent. I propose to return to Dorking on Tuesday evening.

Yours truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

24. 4. 0

2. 2. 0

-. 10. 0

6. 16. 0



Wallace, A.R.


House Agency

White & Sons, British real estate firm founded in 1817
This text appears in the bottom left of page one, as a scratch addition of currency undertaken by the author.
The text from here until the end of the document occurs on the centered in the right half of the second page, likely as an address or notation on the outside of the folded letter.

Please cite as “WCP3610,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 21 September 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3610