Batchian [Bacan],2 Moluccas.
Nov. 30th. [18]/58
My dear George3
I do not think I have written to you very lately. I have just received yours of August 3.4 with reminiscences of Switzerland.5 To you it seems a short time since. To me an immeasurable series of ages. In fact Switzerland & the Amazon6 now seem to me quite unreal, — a sort of former existence, — a long-ago dream. Malays & Papuans, — Beetles & Birds are what now occupy my thoughts mixed with financial speculations & hopes for a happy future in Old England, where I may live in solitude & seclusion except from a few close friends. You cannot perhaps imagine how I have come to love solitude. I seldom have a visitor but what I wish him away in an hour. I find it very favourable to reflection, & if you have any acquaintance who is a member of the Linnean Society7 borrow the Journal of Proceedings of August last8 & in the last article you will find some of my latest lucubrations with some complimentary [2] remarks thereon by Sir. C. Lyell9 & Dr. Hooker10 which (as I know neither of them) I must say I am a little proud of.
As to politics I hate & abominate them. The news from India11 I now never read, as it is all an inextricable confusion without good maps & regular papers, mine come in lumps 2 or 3 months at a time with the alternate ones stolen or lost. I therefore beg you to write no more politics. Nothing public or newspaperish. Tell me about yourself, — your own private doings, — your health, your visits your new or old acquaintances, (for I know you pick up ½ a dozen every month, à la Barragan.)12 But above all tell me of what you read. Have you read the Currency book13 I returned you? — "Horne Tooke"?14 — Bentham,?15 Family Herald16 Leading Articles? — Give me your opinions on any or all of these. Follow the advice in Fam[ily]. Herald art[icle]. on "Happiness" — "Ride a hobby", & you will assuredly find happiness in it as I do. Let Ethnology be your hobby, as you seem already to have put your foot in the stirrup, — but ride [3] it hard. If I live to return I shall come out strong as Malay & Papuan races, & astonish Latham,17 Davis,18 &c. &c — By the bye I have just had a letter19 from Davis; he says he says he sent my last letter to you, & it is lost mysteriously. Instead therefore of sending me an answer to my poser, he repeats what he has said in every letter I have had from him "myriads of miracles are required to people the earth from one source." I am sick of him — you must read "Pritchard"20 through, & "Lawrence’s Lectures on Man"21 carefully but I am convinced no man can be a good ethnologist who does not travel, & not travel merely but reside as I do months & years with each race, becoming well acquainted with their average physiognomy & moral character, so as to be able to detect cross-breeds, which totally mislead the hasty traveller who thinks they are transitions!! Latham22 I am sure is quite wrong on many points.
To New Guinea I took an old edition of "Tristram Shandy"23 which I read about three times. It is an annoying & you will perhaps say a very gross book, but there are passages in it that have never been surpassed while the character of [4] Uncle Toby24 has certainly never been equalled except perhaps by that of Don Quixote.25 I have lately read a good many of Dumas'26 wonderful novels & they are wonderful but often very careless, & some quite unfinished. The "Memoirs of a Physician"27 is a most wonderful wild mixture of History, Science, & romance — the 2nd. part "The Queen[']s Necklace"28 is most wonderful & perhaps most true. You should read them (if you have not) when you are horribly "ennui".
As to your private communications in former letters, I am very sorry you have not been fortunate in your "affaires du coeur". All I can say is "try again". Marriage has a wonderful effect in brightening the intellect. For example John29 used not to be considered witty, yet in his last letter30 he begs me "to write to him "semi-occasionally or oftener if I have time" & I send you a not bad extract from his letter, with an idea of my own on "smoke",31 to send to the Athenaeum.32 By this mail I send more than a dozen letters for my correspondence is increasing. You must therefore excuse this random lot of odds & ends & send me a ditto in return, only more so.
I must now conclude | Remaining my dear G. | Yours ever faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
G. E. Silk Esq.
P.S. A big spider fell close to my hand in the middle of my signature wh[ich]. accounts for the hitch.33
P.S. I have to send this at a moments notice. Can not write home so call on my mother34 A W. [signature] Dec. 2035
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Letter (WCP370.370)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
Note on the Smoke Nuisance.
How is it that amid the lamentations & grumbling over the incalculable mischief done by London smoke, — masterpieces of Art ruined, palaces spoilt before they are finished, life & prosperity lost in november [sic] fogs, our streets & squares & noblest public buildings all rendered hideous, our clothes & persons begrimed & our lungs diseased, — there should be no proposals made to go to the fountain head & instead of removing our galleries & museums to a distance from those who most want them, try to get rid of the smoke itself. When the thing is once done, when our city is clean our skies bright our air pure our linen unsoiled & our works of art uninjured, we shall be almost incredible[?] incredulous that such a state of apathy and barbarism could ever have existed. The thing can easily be done; — it is a mere matter of cost, & the expense of rendering each house in London smokeless it is not very difficult to calculate.1 We have the choice of gas, anthracite coal,2 or of substituting Arnotts3 or any other smokeless grates & cooking ranges for those now in use, either of which if not absolutely smokeless[?] perfect would certainly get rid of nine tenths of the smoke now produced, & would probably soon repay the expense of the change in the saving of fuel. What hardship, what impossibility [2] what interference with vested rights would there be in compelling by Act of Parliament the use of one or other of these methods, any more than in compelling chimneys to be swept at certain intervals or houses to be built of a certain stability? Why, the mere saving in soap & linen would cover the expense in a few years, to say nothing of the incalculable natural & sanitary advantages already alluded to. If the Athenaeum & the Times would vigorously take up the question we might yet see our noble city not only the largest & the wealthiest but the cleanest & the healthiest in the world.
Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
Batchian [Bacan],4 Moluccas. Nov. 1858
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Enclosure (WCP370.1655)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
How they manage matters in the Model Republic.
Extract from a letter from California.1 "I must tell you that a friend of mine Mr. Mandeville2 has been appointed by the President3 to the office of the U. S. Surveyor General for the State of California. You will probably imagine that in a Model Republic like that of the United States an office of this kind would be filled by a person well qualified in every respect for such an important post; but the fact is Mr. Mandeville knows nothing either theoretically or practically of surveying, — has not even the remotest idea of the first principles; but then he has been an active politician & is on the winning side. This is the way all appointments to offices are made in this Country, no questions as to qualification asked, & no "right-man-in-the-right-place" cry raised. The principle seems to be "to the victors belong the spoils", and an active man of the right party is considered to be well qualified for any office!"
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Enclosure (WCP370.8298)]
For more information about the transcriptions and metadata, see https://wallaceletters.myspecies.info/content/epsilon
Envelope addressed to "G. C. Silk, 79 Pall Mall, London W. C., via Southampton." Postmarked: "FRANCO | ZEE BRIEF | TERNATE"; "FRANKEERD | ZEE BRIEF | TERNATE"; "LONDON | BV | AP 8[?] | 58 PAID". Note on front in ARW's hand: "Smoke &c. | Batchian. 1858". This is the verso of the last page of WCP370.8298. [Envelope (WCP370.8297)]
Please cite as “WCP370,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 13 December 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP370