
Letter (WCP3820.3738)


Pen-y-bryn, St. Peter’s Road, Croydon

Nov[embe]r 13th. 1880

Dear Sir Joseph1

Many thanks for your note & kind remarks about my book. Any notes you can forward me with will be most acceptable.

I am surprised at what you say about the Bahamas. I took my statement from Grisebach’s2 work (French translation) who distinctly states, that the Flora of the Bahamas is Tropical & West Indian & quite different from that of Florida.

I thought this such a good case & such good authority that I took it for an illustration. I have just [2] come from Birmingham where I met Mr. Matthews who gave me a copy of his Essay on the Flora of Algeria3. Your appendix to the "Travels in Morocco" I should be very glad to have a copy of as I read it with the greatest instruction & thought it the most interesting fact of that very interesting & delightful book.

Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, botanist, 1817-1911.
August Grisebach (1814-1879), German botanist and phytogeographer.
Flora and Fauna of Algeria, William Matthews, 1859.

Please cite as “WCP3820,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3820