
Letter (WCP3850.3769)


Broadstone, Wimborne

Dec[embe]r 8th. 1907

L[ieutan]t. C[olone]l. Prain

Dear Sir

Many thanks for the information you have been so good as to send me about the An[a]t[omical].[?] receptacles on plants.

It makes me the more regret that the Linnean Society did not publish Spruce's1 paper on 1869, as that would have led, probably, to some attempts to settle the question before now.

I thank you also for Prof[essor]. Trail's2 address and the information that he has travelled on the Amazon.

Later on I shall probably take advantage of his kind offer, and ask him for information on certain points.

Believe me | Yours very truly |Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Rcihard Spruce (1817-1893). English botanist.
James William Helenus Trail F. R. S. (1851-1919). British botanist.

Please cite as “WCP3850,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3850