
Letter (WCP3907.3827)


Broadstone, Wimbourne

November 22nd 1906

Sir Joseph Hooker G.C.S.I &c.

My dear Sir Joseph,

Thank you for your letter. Of course it will be better to wait for Sir C Markham’s return, though, as I must have the letters, I am arranging to have them copied and also the "Journals" at once. Perhaps when Sir. C. M. returns you will kindly send me your & his support to my application, to accompany mine to the secretaries.

Yours Very Truly | Alfred R Wallace [signature]

Transcription (WCP3907.4271)



Nov. 22nd, 1906.

SIR Joseph Hooker, G.C.S.I. &c.

My dear Sir Joseph

Thanks for you letter. Of course it will be better to wait for Sir C. Markham's return, though, as I must have the letters, I am arranging to have them copied, and also the "Journals", at once. Perhaps when Sir C. Markham returns you will kindly send me your and his support to my application, to accompany mine to the Secretaries.

Yours very truly, | ALFRED R. WALLACE.

Please cite as “WCP3907,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3907