
Letter (WCP3910.3830)


Broadstone, Wimborne

March 16th. 1907

My dear Sir Joseph1

Many thanks for your letter & information. I will get Jameson's Paper.

I have been in correspondence with Mr. Hemsley2 & he has just informed me that, in the last Fascicules of the Flora Braziliensis (just out), there is a quite voluminous account of the life & work of all the Botanical Collectors who have made known the flora of Brazil, which will no doubt [2] give me everything I want, if I can make out the Latin sufficiently, which is doubtful. However I have a friend here who is a good latin scholar & will no doubt help me. I presume I can get this from the Linn. Society's Library.3

Many thanks for your kind offer of a further contribution to the copying, but I do not now require it, as my son has been at home lately, and he has copied the remainder [3] of the "Journals" for me.

I am sorry to hear of the Eczema you are suffering from. I have had the same thing, but in my legs & on the back. Mine, the doctor says, was due to stoppage of the sweat-glands, & he gave me a lotion (zinc I fancy) which had a very beneficial effect. My experience shows however, that almost all these skin-troubles, are due primarily to imperfect nutrition. I have found a diet that exactly suits me — but the least [4] departure from it is at once felt. I had, almost chronic asthma, bronchitis, & palpitations — but all have gone these 6 years under an almost exclusively meat diet — 2 meals a day — & almost no vegetables or bread. Sore eyes, & other eruption's, went too. It is substantially the American Dr. Salisbury's treatment (as stated in "My Life" II. 229).

Believe me | Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace[signature]

Joseph Dalton Hooker
William B. Hemsley (1843 — 1924), Botanist and curator of the Royal Botanic Gardens.
Written sidewise up the left side of the page.

Please cite as “WCP3910,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3910