
Letter (WCP3929.3868)


6 May [18]’93

Dear Mr. Mitten2

Thank you very much for the specimen of Empretrum3 which I have given to the Herbarium. I exhibited it at the Linnean meeting last Thursday. [2] Mr. Clarke4 kindly undertook to answer your questions [2 illeg. words]. Of course, you will know that Mr. Wallace is among the selected candidates for the R.[oyal]S[ociety]/

[3] Of course you know too that he had only stand to be elected.

I enclose Clarke’s note

Yours Truly | W. Botting Hemsley5 [signature]

"140" is printed in black ink on the top right corner of the page.
William Mitten, pharmaceutical chemist and Wallace’s father-in-law, lived 1819 — 1906.
Refers here to Empetrum nigrum, a species of crowberry.
William Clarke, ornithologist, lived 1853 — 1938.
William Botting Hemsley, botanist, lived 1843 — 1924.

Please cite as “WCP3929,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3929