
Letter (WCP3975.3916)


7, Kensington Park Gardens.

London. W.

Dec[ember]. 22nd, 1908.

My dear Meldola,

Thanks, but Wallace seems to think he will have no difficulty. We have had his lecture typed in large bold letters, so there will be no difficulty as to the writing. If my voice is unequal to the task I will hand the job readily over to you.

Can you tell me if Mrs Wallace is alive? and if so will she be likely to come with him to the R. I.? We used to know them very well when they lived in London, but have only seen him occasionally since they moved and have not seen Mrs Wallace in 30 years.

Sorry you have forgotten Hebrew or we [2] might have corresponded in it. Do you know the Assyrian language? I fear we must stick to English.

With kind regards, | believe me, | very sincerely yours, | William Crookes [signature]2

Included in the paper's letterhead is a symbol in the upper right hand corner depicting an elephant standing above a cross wound with stylized vines and a capital 'C'.
RM92 MLON | 925 is written at the bottom of the page.

Please cite as “WCP3975,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 8 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP3975