
Letter (WCP402.1468)


Parkstone, Dorset

Decr. 22nd. 1891

My dear Fanny

Unless Miss Hudson died absolutely poor I think her legacy to you of £10 about the meanest possible, and I feel quite sure that a lawyer like Spencer would not have let her impoverish herself. I should like to see her will some day. I was very glad to hear that John was getting over his accident. I was afraid that the breakage & the shock, at his age might have serious 3[2] consequences.

We shall be very glad if you can come to see us this winter. We can accommodate you very well, so come either at the New Year or later as you like. Let me know when you fix to come & I will send you your ticket.

I have sent you a small turkey and trimmings for ‘Xmas. It should arrive soon after this. I think you should either call on the lawyer or write to see about the £5. It seems to be me [3]1 very unfair of the judge in such a case to give so long before distraining, when they know contempt of court by not appearing it merely gives them time, if they like, to escape, — but I suppose it is too small an amount for that. Perhaps to save you expense the lawyer is waiting for you to call on him for the money. I would call on him at once to see if he has it.

In haste | Your affectionate brother | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

[4] P.S. Have you any of my large Photos printed? I should like a few in the course of the next few weeks if they can be done.


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Please cite as “WCP402,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP402