
Transcription (WCP4071.4015)


Broadstone, Wimborne

Apr[il] 27. 1907

Dear Mr Skeels

Thanks for your cheque for ten guineas for my expenses (with my sons) of two journeys to London in order to give evidence in the case of Colley2v. Maskelyne3

As the judge asked me for a definition of a medium & as I could not, on the spur of the moment give him a satisfactory one perhaps if the case is not concluded before this reaches you, Mr Bankes might read the following during his final address

"A medium is a person whose mere presence, without any acts or volition of his own, is one of the conditions — and often the most important condition — for the occurrence of what are termed psychical, occult or spiritualistic phenomenon".

This is all we really know of the matter. Through messages (from alleged spirits) we are told that it is something in the psychical or psycho-material organisations of these mediums that enables spiritual beings to [2] act, both upon their organisations, & on surrounding objects; & this seems probable & is perhaps as near to the matter we can get. As to the exact causes and modes of operation, the spirits seem to have very little more knowledge than we have. There is there as here, an illimitable universe to be studied before it can be understood. There, as here, it is only the few that study such things, or even begin, dimly to understand them.

Another point, I think, Mr Bankes might mention with advantage. "My Life" was not published till a week or two after Archdn Colley gave his "Lecture". My account of Monck's4 phenomena, and his account, were therefore written independently, each supposing himself to be the only living witness (I supposed so). The very close (almost exact) correspondence in our descriptions of the phenomena is a very strong proof of the fact that it really occurred as we described it.

Yours very truly | Alfred R Wallace

Copy is written at top. This is not ARW handwriting.
Colley, Archdeacon Thomas (died 1912). Psychical investigator.
Maskelyne, John Neville (1837 — 1919). Conjurer.
Monck, Reverend Francis Ward (born 1842 ) Spiritualist medium

Please cite as “WCP4071,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4071