
Letter (WCP4075.4020)


Old Orchard,



July 7th. 1913

Dear Mr. Marchant

I have been very long in returning Proof of of the ["]Revolt of Democracy"1, having been stopped by a crowd of other work, — and an increase in my bodily disabilities.

I have made a good many small & some important alterations, connected with weak & unfinished sentences &c. altered [2] needless italics — as the type of quotations is quite distinct enought, and inserted "headings" throughout.

My son is away on private business, for a week or two, but I believe he sends all the matter you require, or which he can find.

I know it is dreadfully sketchy & condensed, but I cannot do mine now. It will I trust serve as food for thought on our [3] actual social troubles.

Send me as many copies as you can spare when issued. I hope you are not still hurting yourself with so much overwork.

I doubt now if my longer book for Fisher [word illeg.] will ever be written. My age begins to tell more and more!

Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Wallace, Alfred Russel. (1913). The Revolt of Democracy. Cassell & Co. Ltd.. London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne. i-xlvi, 1-82.

Please cite as “WCP4075,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4075