
Letter (WCP4126.4143)


Parkstone, Dorset.

Feb[ruar]y 7th. 1898

Edmund Gosse Esq.

Dear Sir

I venture to ask you for a little help because I have so limited an acquaintance with poets or poetical critics. For my new book on the Century I am trying to get, which I always like to see, but have never attempted yet, — a verse or two, as a heading or motto to each chapter.

For 14 out of my 20 chapters, I have found headings, more or less suitable, but the remaining six puzzle me. I expect some of Clifford’s, or Clerk Maxwell’s or Rankine’s verses might contain what I want, but I cannot refer to them [2] here. I give a list of the subjects opposite, and if you can help me to[sic] anything alluding to any of them I shall be very much obliged — or reference to any book likely to contain suitable poems.

Apologising for troubling you,

Believe me ׀ Yours very faithfully ׀ Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

P.S. I do not want them for a week or so.



Poetical Mottos for Chapters

Chapters on

Vll. Physics — Heat, Gases (Theory of)

Nature of Matter

Vlll. Radiometer, Light (velocity of) Phonograph

X. Chemistry — any reference to, or to Alchemists.

XlV. Physiology — Anaesthetics, Bacteria &c.

XV. Phrenology.

XVll. Vaccination!

Please cite as “WCP4126,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4126