
Letter (WCP4165.4187)


Book follows by another post.


Wickham Bishops,




Dear Sir,

I have just read your recent work "The Revolt of Democracy".1 It is so clear, so just & so strong & has pleased me much that a man of your high standing in the eyes of the world is so thoroughly on the side of those that are toiling for human betterment. I take the liberty of sending you a recent book of mine2— it is much too long & verbose for you to read— but have it, you should. The enclosed synopsis will give you the substance of it.

I value all that you have done, so much that I trust you may yet give the world more of yourself, & I really mean it when I ask you not even to trouble to acknowledge the receipt of this letter & book. It is sure to reach you & that is all I want.

I would like you to read what I say about ownership in the Appendix page 315. For it shows why I am opposed to any tax upon land or land values as they are called— yes, any tax but a [2] tax upon income— Ownership of land is right or wrong— if wrong stop it by legislation— if right don’t penalise it. Bad owners may, in a proper way be eliminated, as a bad doctor or bad builder may be eliminated— & all land owners are in a social sense bad who hold more than they can themselves use— Stop the Stay the power to lend the usage of land & to be paid for this loan, & we shall eliminate all bad owners. Were all the land the property of the State tomorrow (as in law it is today) there are men rich enough to rent from the state tracts of land larger than they can properly use.

Wishing you years yet of useful work & in gratitude for all you have done for us.

I remain. | Yours Sincerely | A[rthur]. H[eygate]. Mackmurdo3 [signature]

Alfred Russel Wallace, The Revolt of Democracy (London: Cassell and Company, 1913).
Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo, Pressing Questions: Profit-Sharing, Women’s Suffrage, Electoral Reform (London: J. Lane, 1913). It is in Wallace’s copy of this book that this letter was inserted.
Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo (1851-1942). English architect and social reformer. His most famous work in regards social reform came in 1926 entitled The Human Hive: its Life and Law.

Please cite as “WCP4165,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4165