
Letter (WCP4186.4208)


Broadstone, Dorset.

July 29th. 1903

Ernest Hartert Esg.

Dear Sir

My friend Prof. Poulton of Oxford suggested to me that I should ask you whether the Hon. Mr. Rothschild wishes to have another collector, as I am interested in an enthusiastic young naturalist who wants to go to the Tropics but has not the means. I feel quite sure that he would be a thoroughly good collector & perfectly trustworthy in every way.

From enquiries I have made I find that collections are required by the Brit.[ish] Mus.[eum] from British Guinea [2] Cuba, & Hayti[sic]; and he is, therefore,1 trying to get some employment on a Sugar, or Cocoa estate, or Mine, on the Forman Country. But that is rather difficult & uncertain, & I would much rather he went out to collect only. He can not only skin, but mount birds very well, and has collected all orders of insects for many years. He is 26 years old, very strong & healthy, can abstain from drink, and I feel sure in every way calculates to make a first-rate collector in every department of Natural [3] History. He is known to Mr. Forbes of the Liverpool Museum, and to many local naturalists in that district & can have the highest testimonials.

Will you kindly let me know whether there is any chance of Mr Rothschild giving him employment of the kind suggested.

Believe me | Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

(R. cannot send the collector out. Cuba & Haiti best localities, take birds and Lepidoptera, all specimens should be sent to Tring, duplicates to go to an agent).2

The word ‘therefore,’ was written in the left margin.
Text in parenthesis is another layer of text written vertically. Text is less faded and in a different colour ink to the horizontal text.

Please cite as “WCP4186,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4186