
Letter (WCP4198.4220)



Ensbury Mount


Aug. 1st 1935

H. J Braunholtz Esq M.A.

British Museum

Dear Sir

I have this morning sent the objects collected by A. R Wallace by parcel post addressed to "The Keeper of Ethnography, British Museum". I trust they arrive safely.

Included are the following—

1 large figure from Dorey (N. Dutch New Guinea)

2 small""

1 hard wood charm"

1 spoon"

1 carved front ornament from figure(?)

1 clay heater from Dorey

1 Clay heater from Dorey

1 Cocoa nut scoop, probably from Dorey

1 birdshaped float from Batanta

1 waist band — Ceram

Human hair — Timor

[2] 1 stone axe from the Upper Amazon

1 Comb from the Amazon

Should any formal acknowledgment be made please include the name of my sister, Miss Wallace who shares with me the ownership of things associated with our father.

I may mention that the carved stone figure from Modjo-pahit, Java, which is illustrated on p. 78 "The Malay Archipelago" is in Charterhouse School Museum at Godalming. When I was last there is was unlabelled! It seems quite out of place in a school museum.

Yours faithfully | W. G. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP4198,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 26 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4198