
Letter (WCP4225.4290)


Parkstone, Dorset

May 28th, 1891

My dear Mr. Cockerell,

Thanks for the notes about new Galapagos birds. I had some of them but not all. I send you the MSS. of your list of British var[ieties]. of mollusca. Will you kindly put the finishing touch to it by inserting localities as far as known to all. Eng.[land] Scot.[land] or Ireland — or a county when very local. I hate to see localities put to some & not to all. Perhaps the list wants weeding. Please cut out [2] all that are doubtful hope this will not trouble you much. When you are in Jamaica you will be out of reach. I have a thousand Ex[aminatio]n papers in hand so excuse haste.

Yours very truly | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Transcription (WCP4225.5311)


Parkstone, Dorset.

May 28th, 1891.

My dear Mr. Cockerell

Thanks for the note about new Galapagos birds. I had some of them but not all. I send you the Mss. of your list of British varieties of Mollusca. Will you kindly put the finishing touch to it by inserting localities as far as known to all, England, Scotland, or Ireland — or a county when very local [?] I hate to see localities put to some and not to all. Perhaps the list wants weeding. Please cut out all that are doubtful. I hope this will not trouble you much. When you are in Jamaica you will be out of reach. I have a thousand examination papers in hand so excuse haste.1

The is a later pencilled note: (A. R. Wallace)

Please cite as “WCP4225,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4225