
Letter (WCP4364.4599)


Hamilton House, The Croft Hastings.

Feb[ruar]y. 22nd. 1889

My dear Mr. Poulton

Many thanks for your kindness in looking over my proofs. I will not trouble you with the last sheet, which would only horrify you still more. I am quite aware my views as to Man, will be, as they have been — criticised. I have referred to Weismann’s opinion further on, — but I doubt if his views or yours will really account for the facts.

Of course we look at the question from a different stand-points. I [2] (think I) know that non-human intelligences exist — that there are minds disconnected from a physical brain, — that there is, therefore, a spiritual world. This is not, for me, a belief merely, but knowledge founded on the long-continued observation of facts, — & such knowledge must modify my views as to the origin & nature of human faculty.

As to "sexual selection" (in [3] Darwin’s sense) I totally reject it, for reasons fully explained in this book, — & I think my argument as to the inefficiency of nat[ural] select[io]n is a good one. Still, I shall be glad to see you or any one tackle the question.

Next week I shall be back at Godalming, — but after March 16th. shall be I know not where, as I have let my house, & shall be wandering for a time [4]1 for my wife’s health & my own.

Yours very faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

This is actually the verso of the first sheet of the letter.

Envelope (WCP4364.4600)

Envelope addressed to "E. B. Poulton Esq., Wykeham House, Oxford", with stamps, postmarked "HIGH ST HASTINGS | D | FE22 | 89". Note in ARW's hand on the front of envelope: "Books &c. returned with Thanks"; postmark on back. [Envelope (WCP4364.4600)]

Please cite as “WCP4364,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 8 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4364