
Letter (WCP4437.4725)


Broadstone, Wimborne

Feb[ruar]y.. 15th. 1908

My dear Poulton

I am very sorry not to be able to oblige you in the matter you write about, but for reasons that seem to me very weighty, I cannot take any further part than I have done in Dr Dixey’s Candidature.

The chief reason is, that for an outsider like myself, who have never taken any part in (or even attended) the meeting of the Society, it would be [2] an impertinence, or worse, to interfere in any prominent way, in so very important a matter as elections into the Society.

A lesser reason is, that I am totally unacquainted with Lord Rayleigh — and such an appeal, to have any real effect, should only be made by an intimate friend. I should certainly feel that it was an unwarranted intrusion [3] if I were in his position.

Yet again, I feel myself totally unable to judge among the wide range of subjects studied by the applicants for the F.R.S.1 — which are the most worthy either positively or relatively.

To decide that, ought certainly to be left to the Committee of Selection without any pressure being brought to bear upon them by individuals.

There are yet other [4]2 reasons, but it would take too long to go into them, & what I have said is sufficient.

But I must say that I have not, of late years, given sufficient attention to the subject to warrant my special interference.

I hope therefore you will take my refusal in good part.

Yours very sincerely| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Fellow[ship] of the Royal Society.
This is actually the verso of the first sheet of the letter.

Please cite as “WCP4437,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 7 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4437