
Letter (WCP4446.4741)


Old Orchard,



March 11th. 1909

My dear Poulton

Miss Pascoe has sent me all the separate papers on Coleoptera in her father[‘]s possession, as I told her I would look over these[,] keep any that specially interested me & send the rest to you.

I found very few I wanted, chiefly Presidents[‘] Addresses, and a few descriptions of S[outh] American Longicorns & Curculios, I want to send to Birch. The rest nearly 100 in number I think, [2] chiefly by Pascoe, and Bates — I now send you as I am pretty sure they will be useful for making up systematic volumes for use in the Museum.

Any duplicates you can give to those interested.

I am making a regular clearance up of literary rubbish, having a few new book shelves put up, &c. before beginning work again. — Hoping for Spring —

Yours very faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Envelope (WCP4446.4742)

Envelope addressed to "Prof. E. B. Poulton F.R.S., the Hope Museum, Oxford"; unposted envelope probably sent to Poulton as part of a letter package. A note is written on front of envelope in Poulton's hand "mch. 11. 1909". [Envelope (WCP4446.4742)]

Please cite as “WCP4446,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4446