
Letter (WCP4460.4768)


Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill Croydon.

Monday morning1

Dear Mr. Meldola

Many thanks for your kind offer. I went to Buckhurst Hill last week on purpose to see the Rector but he was unfortunately out. I will gladly go with you tomorrow, but in order to save time I must alter the arrangements a little.

I can go much more easily by Fenchurch St[reet] (having to go to London Bridge) & if I come round by you Victoria Park I must leave here nearly two hours sooner. As the days are so short [2] now and there is some distance to walk at Buckhurst Hill I propose to go by train from Fenchurch St[reet] at 2.13, Stratford 2.32, Buckhurst Hill 2.49. Your train from Vict[oria] Park seems to be 1.54 & you will have to wait some time at Stratford where I will look out for you. I travel 2nd class usually. Your next train 3.24 would be too late.

If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I will be at Stratford by the train named.

Yours faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

R Meldola Esq.

Please cite as “WCP4460,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4460