
Letter (WCP4463.4771)


Waldron Edge, Duppas Hill, Croydon

Decr. 23rd. 1879

My dear Mr. Meldola

I must first thank my unknown friend who has done me the honour to make me a life-member of the Entomological Society. I am afraid he has got a bad bargain for few members can have attended the Society’s meetings so little as I have done for a good many years.

Thanks also for the letter about Epping Forest. It is very good. I really think the residents in the Forest sh[oul]d get up some petitions to Parliament & get some M.P.1 to take up their cause, for the purpose of having the Committee no longer a secret one. Among the things that might be referred to as not carrying out the spirit of the Act in preserving the [2] "natural aspect" of the Forest, & making it enjoyable &c. I would mention the ugly brick well-wall around a spring at the pond head by Q[ueen] Eliz[abeth] Lodge — the unsightly common-place railing round that pond, — the continuance of destruction of the surface soil of the forest to this day by gravel diggers although the Act gave the Committee power to stop it a year ago. &c. &c..

I think Mr. Moor’s[?] motion is not correctly given in the letter, or if so it was[letters crossed out] altered to one ordering the Committee to bring [3] up Mr. McKenzie[‘]s appointment for approval by the Court before submitting it to the Ranger.

I expect the Council will approve of the appointment & the Ranger confirm. I hear that Butler stood next even if McKenzie had not got it. Mr Bedford the Chairman has too much influence for anyone to stand against his favourite.

Wishing you the Comp[liment]s of the Season

Believe me| Yours very faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Member of Parliament.

Please cite as “WCP4463,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 26 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4463