
Letter (WCP4471.4779)


Pen-y-bryn, St. Peter’s Road Croydon.

Decr. 27th. 1880

Dear Mr. Meldola

Your arrangement will suit me very well indeed. The most convenient train for me is due at London Bridge at 5.3. & allowing for possible lateness, & getting across, the 5.35 from Liverpool Street seems the earliest I can get, reaching Buckhurst Hill at 5.59 — This however does not seem to stop at Stratford. There may be alterations in the trains however, but this will be the nearest I can say now.

To save further writing will [2]1 you be so good as to inform Mr Cole that I have a map about 7ft long by 4 ½ feet high to be hung up[.] It is in two long strips & will want either pinning to a curtain or tacking to a board. If he arranges for this beforehand it can be put up in a few minutes. I shall also want a reading lamp with an opaque shade to throw the light on my notes as without this I cannot see them.

I am glad you like my "Climate" theory. I cannot myself yet see any flaw in it, but it is so complex a question that few people will take the trouble to understand it. If I have [3]2 really hit upon the true solution of this great puzzle it will I think be the best thing I have done yet. Like most of my other theories it came upon me while writing, for when I began my book I had no notion of how to treat it; I only felt there was a great hitch somewhere in Croll’s theory. Poor Croll, by-the-bye, is very ill with incipient paralysis, & has not yet been able to give me his views on my book which I sent him.

Yours very truly| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

This is actually the recto of the second sheet of the letter.
This is actually the verso of the second sheet of the letter, and the text is written sideways on the page.

Please cite as “WCP4471,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4471