
Letter (WCP4485.4793)


Frith Hill, Godalming.

April 8th 1885

My dear Meldola

Your letter in "Nature" last week "riz my dander" as the Yankees say, — & for once in a way, we find ourselves deadly enemies prepared for mortal combat, armed with steel [word deleted] (pens) and prepared to shed any amount of our own — ink. Consequently I rushed into the fray with a letter to "Nature" intended to show that you are as wrong (and wicked) as are the [2] Russians in Afghanisstan[sic].

Having however the most perfect confidence that the battle will soon be over, we shall be very glad if you can come over on Saturday week the 18th, & stay Sunday with us. It will be Willie’s holidays but I expect he will be going away to Hurstpierpoint to spend most of them.

Yours very faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Published letter (WCP4485.6398)

[1] [p. 36]

Frith Hill, Godalming

April 8, 1885

My dear Meldola,—Your letter in Nature last week "riz my dander," as the Yankees say, and, for once in a way, we find ourselves deadly enemies prepared for mortal combat, armed with steel (pens) and prepared to shed any amount of our own—ink. Consequently I rushed into the fray with a letter to Nature to show that you are as wrong (as wicked) as are the Russians in Afghanistan. Having, however, the most perfect confidence that the battle will soon be over, ...—Yours very faithfully,

Alfred R. Wallace

Please cite as “WCP4485,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4485