
Letter (WCP4491.4799)


Frith Hill, Godalming.

March 16th 1886

My dear Meldola

I have arranged for Violet to meet me Saturday morning to take her to S[outh] Kensington Museum and I will then try & see Judd to whom I have written. I shall see Violet off from Waterloo at 4.15 & shall then take a cab to John Street and shall be glad if Mrs. Meldola will have a cup of tea ready at ¼ to 5. I expect I must have another cab to Liverpool Street to catch the 5.37 train.

But on second thoughts (which are best) I think I had better come straight from Waterloo to [2] Liverpool St[reet] by bus, leave my bag at the Cloak Room & get a cup of tea there & so run no risk of losing the train, & having much less fatigue. As I have a little information to look up in London I will stay till Monday, & if fine on Sunday we can go to the Zoo.

As your meeting is so early as 6.30 I suppose we shall be home by ten or soon after.

Yours very faithfully| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP4491,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4491