
Letter (WCP4509.4816)


Frith Hill, Godalming.

Octr.. 21st. 1888

My dear Meldola

Can you let one of your assistants or pupils get me the weight in fractions decimals of a grain of each of the enclosed 6 packages of seeds. I only want them approximately, to compare with particles of sand or volc[anic] glass carried to great distances by the wind.

I have just today finished the draft MSS1 of my book. Now I am going to read over & correct & add, — and also [2] see what illustrations I can get for it.

Poulton has sent me some proofs of Weismann’s papers — extremely interesting, but not yet giving me any more matter than I had before, bearing on [main? Man?] question.

Yours very truly| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]


Please cite as “WCP4509,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 12 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4509