
Letter (WCP4548.4855)


Parkstone, Dorset.

April 15th. 1901

My dear Meldola

Thanks for your kind invitation. I may have to pass through London about that time & if so I will try & arrange it. I should like to hear your lecture, but London is more & more an abomination to me, & I never stay a night in it if I can help.

Can you send me on a post card where the Brown University is in America. I am quoting that very interesting case of the sparrows killed by [2] the storm while others survived, & the proof it afforded of rigid selection, — by Prof[essor] Bumpus, & I hate giving such a name without locality. It is for a new Ed[ition] of my Darwinism.

Yours very truly| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Prof. R. Meldola

Please cite as “WCP4548,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4548