
Letter (WCP4627.4941)


5 Westbourne Grove Terrace W.

January 10th.

Dear Westwood

I have just received proofs of the last four plates of Papilios. They all appear to me very nice, except the plate of outlines, which I do not think accurately represents the differences between the species compared.

I enclose a tracing from my specimens, of some of them; P[apilio] telephus (fig.4) and P[apilio] miletus & P[apilio] jason (fig.5) which I should be obliged if you could alter [2] a little, so as to show the contrast of the forms, which strike the eye very much in the specimens.

Wishing yourself & Mrs Westwood all the Comp[liment]s of the Season

Believe me| Yours very truly,| Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

J.O. Westwood Esq.

Please cite as “WCP4627,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP4627